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ARTE Focus Behang
De ARTE Focus behang collectie behangpapier heeft een diep en natuurlijk ogend reliëf, wat het bijzonder maakt. Het ARTE behang uit deze collectie speelt zijn spel met opvallend licht in strak geometrische of net onvoorspelbare losse vormen. Zo geeft het de muur een verleidelijke dynamiek: altijd weer anders, voortdurend in beweging.
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Pyramid Behang ARTE
ARTE Pyramid Behang
Pyramid Behang ARTE
Geometrisch Behang ARTE Pyramid
ARTE Squared Behang
Squared Behang ARTE
Squared ARTE Behang
Geometrisch Behang ARTE Squared
ARTE Squared Behang
Squared ARTE Behang
ARTE Squared Behang
Arrow Behang ARTE
ARTE Arrow Behang
Arrow Behang ARTE
Arrow ARTE Behang
Arrow ARTE Behang
ARTE Arrow Behang
Arrow Behang ARTE
ARTE Symbol Behang
Symbol ARTE Behang
Dessins uit de ARTE behang Focus Collectie
Dessins uit de ARTE behang Focus collectie zijn: Arte Arrow behang, Symbol, Facet, Squared, Polygon en het behang Trapezium.
In totaal beslaat de collectie ARTE Focus behang 7 dessins, bestaande uit 45 kleuren.
What makes the wallpaper of this collection special is the deep and natural-looking relief. It plays with the light falling on it, in taut geometric shapes or slightly unpredictable forms. This gives the wall a diverting dynamic; different each time and continuously moving.
Trompe-l’oeil as wall decoration
Arte's Focus collection brings your walls to life. Think that it's not possible? The relief patterns, dynamic geometric figures and playful reflection of light means it really can be done. These intriguing wall decorations are given the trompe-l’oeil treatment and give the impression that they come straight out of geometry lesson.
The Focus collection consists of seven patterns: four monotone and three multi-coloured patterns. The consistent theme of the collection is relief print, which gives all the patterns a spectacular look. The areas with relief lines have been printed in several directions. In combination with how the light strikes the paper, this results in a spectacular and dynamically impressive whole. All patterns have a non-woven backing with a slightly shining vinyl top layer, a combination that shows off the relief effect to maximum advantage.
A few years ago Arte launched Facet, a surprising pattern with irregular polygons which gives the illusion of relief and fits in perfectly with any interior. The pattern was so appealing that it formed the basis of a new collection. Facet from the Focus collection by Arte. 9 colourways.
Pyramid & Squared
Welcome to ancient Egypt! Or perhaps you have been transported into a piece of art by Escher? Pyramid plays with sleek, geometric pyramid shapes that through its use of various colours, creates the illusion of depth. The design is also available in a monochrome finish, such as the monotone pattern Squared. Pyramid (multi-colour) from the Focus collection by Arte. 4 colourways. Prices on request. Squared (monotone) from the Focus collection by Arte. 7 colourways.
Arrow & Symbol
Want to try a bit of tribal? Arte can provide a playful and stylish interpretation with the Arrow and Symbol patterns. The parallel and pointed converging lines do more than just create a relief effect, they also create an exotic feel. The pattern is available in a multi-coloured pattern (Arrow) and a monochrome alternative (Symbol). Arrow (multi-colour) from the Focus collection by Arte. 7 colourways. Prices on request. Symbol (plain) from the Focus collection by Arte. 7 colourways.
Polygon & Trapezium
By far the most mysterious pattern of the collection is Polygon, a design with squares which are subdivided in several colour areas. In this pattern the parallel lines again run in several directions, creating the feeling of depth. The monochrome alternative, Trapezium, fits in perfectly with any interior due to its simplicity. Polygon (multi-colour) from the Focus collection by Arte. 4 colourways. Prices on request. Trapeze (plain) from the Focus collection by Arte. 7 colourways.
ARTE Focus behang collectie is hier online verkrijgbaar.