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ARTE Kami Behang Collectie
De ARTE Kami behang collectie is geïnspireerd op de visuele pracht van Azië. Denk aan prachtige koi karpers, Japanse bloemen en nog veel meer. Kami prikkelt alle zintuigen en neemt je mee op ontdekkingsreis naar het verre Oosten. Waar elegantie, balans en verfijning centraal staan.
Het kleurenpalet is enerzijds helder en explosief en anderzijds perfect in harmonie met de zachte en subtiele aardetinten. De gevarieerde materialenmix verrast en resulteert tegelijkertijd in een doordachte en evenwichtige collectie.
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ARTE Dupion Behang
€ 129,00
ARTE Dupion Behang
€ 129,00
ARTE Dupion Behang
€ 129,00
ARTE Dupion Behang
€ 129,00
ARTE Dupion Behang
€ 129,00
ARTE Dupion Behang
€ 129,00
ARTE Dupion Behang
€ 129,00
ARTE Dupion Behang
€ 129,00
ARTE Dupion Behang
€ 129,00
ARTE Dupion Behang
€ 129,00
ARTE Dupion Behang
€ 129,00
ARTE Dupion Behang
€ 129,00
ARTE Dupion Behang
€ 129,00
ARTE Dupion Behang
€ 129,00
ARTE Dupion Behang
€ 129,00
ARTE Origami Behang
€ 199,00
ARTE Origami Behang
€ 199,00
ARTE Origami Behang
€ 199,00
ARTE Origami Behang
€ 199,00
ARTE Origami Behang
€ 199,00
Dessins uit de ARTE Kami Behang Collectie
De Arte Kami behang collectie omvat de dessins Koi, Kimono, Dupion en Origami.
The ARTE Kami wallcovering stimulates all the senses and takes you on a journey of discovery to the Far East where elegance, balance and sophistication are central. The colour palette is on the one hand clear and explosive and on the other perfectly in harmony with the soft and subtle
earth tones. The varied mix of materials surprises and at the same time results in a ellconsidered and balanced collection.
ARTE Koi wallcovering displays a scene of a Japanese pond viewed from above reflects the lush natural beauty of water. Be surprised by the depth in the design and discover life above and under the water. The textile with a silk look represents elegance and refinement.Koi is available in 3 colour variations.
For the ARTE Kimono wallcovering, six silk foulards with Eastern scenes form the source of inspiration for this composition. The colour explosion is perfectly balanced and creates one harmonious and panoramic whole.The ARTE Kimono wallpaper is available in 1 colour variation.
ARTE Dupion Wallcovering
The refined elegance of 100% real silk is unmistakable. The structure of the natural thread features irregularities and irregular thicknesses. This makes ARTE Dupion wallcovering unique and natural. The colour nuances vary depending on the incidence of light.ARTE Dupion wallcovering is available in 15 colour variations.
ARTE Origami Wallcovering
ARTE Origami wallcovering is made out of folded paper, that imitates the ripple of moving water. The pleats create a lot of relief and the repetitive nature brings peace and regularity. The luxurious finish of the top layer is a silk gloss ink with an elegant silk look as a result. ARTE Origami wallcovering is available in 10 colour variations.ARTE Kami behang collectie is hier online verkrijgbaar.