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Morris & Co. Queen Square Behang Collectie
De Morris & Co. Queen Square behang collectie is mogelijk gemaakt door de samenwerking van Ben Pentreath en Morris & Co. Ben Pentreath is de meest gewilde binnenhuisarchitecten van Engeland. Deze Queen Square Collectie is vernoemd naar de weg waar de eerste Morris & Co. fabriek en showroom was gevestigd. De collectie bestaat uit 18 stoffen en 18 ontwerpen. Bestel hier online of bij ons in de behangwinkel.
Bezig met laden...
Morris & Co. Willow Bough Behang
Morris & Co. Willow Bough Behang
Morris & Co. Willow Bough Behang
Morris & Co. Willow Bough Behang
Morris & Co. Willow Bough Behang
Morris & Co. Marigold Behang - Navy
Morris & Co. Poppy Behang
Morris & Co. Poppy Behang
Morris & Co. Bird & Anemone Behang
Morris & Co. Bachelors Button Behang
Morris & Co. Sunflower Behang
Morris & Co. Sunflower Behang
Morris & Co. Blackthorn Behang
Morris & Co. Willow Behang
Morris & Co. Willow Behang
Morris & Co. Willow Behang
Morris & Co. Queen Square Behang Collectie Achtergrondinformatie
William Morris (1834-1896) was de meest invloedrijke ontwerper van de negentiende eeuw. Morris was een politieke theorist, wetenschapper, vertaler en uitgever, een milieupartner, schrijver en dichter, evenals een uitstekende ontwerper. Onder zijn leiding groeide Morris & Co. in een bloeiende en modieuze firma, bekend om zijn behang en textiel.
A Note From Ben Pentreath
" I’ve loved the William Morris archive for as long as I can remember; but one of the recurring themes for me is the beautiful colourways developed by Sanderson in the 1960s. If, like me, you’re old enough to remember everyone’s houses in the 70s and early 80s decorated with seagrass squares on the f loor and William Morris on the walls and the sofa, you’ll understand the deep nostalgia and sense of a slightly simpler time that these patterns evoke. There is a sense of comfort and happiness in these fabrics and patterns that could not be more relevant today. The Sanderson studio recoloured many of Morris’s patterns in beautiful, rich tones – olive greens, burnt orange, vivid turquoise – that, as it happens – are colours I return to again and again in my own interiors. I remember a friend’s house in Hampstead, decorated top to toe in Morris & Co. papers from this book; their kitchen, with Blackthorn on the walls and red Magistretti chairs, is classic 70s. Another friend has a beautiful family house in Tuscany that - at one end of a dreamy sitting room - has a sofa in an olive-green Willow Bough that is one of the most beautiful fabrics I know. The ability to work with the Morris & Co. archive, and to draw inspiration directly from these 1960s collections, was a dream come true for me. We have pulled some colours and fabrics directly from the 60’s books, and remixed others to create our own new interpretations. I find it extraordinary that Morris & Co. patterns, developed in the mid to late 19th century, are still as fresh and relevant 150 years later as they were then. Morris was a master of pattern and repeat; I find his patterns unequalled in their simultaneous simplicity and richness, and we return to them again and again in our work. For me, personally, living as Charlie and I do, on the upper f loors of the Art Workers’ Guild at 6 Queen Square, there’s something almost tangible about this jump across the centuries: the Morris & Co. studio was, for several decades, a few doors up the street from us, at 26 Queen Square. It’s so strange and so wonderful to think of Morris walking these very same Bloomsbury pavements day after day. I’m thrilled to be able to leap the centuries – both geographically and spiritually – in working with these timeless patterns again. "
Morris & Co. Queen Square behang collectie bestelt u eenvoudig online en in de behangwinkel te IJburg Amsterdam.