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Pierre Frey Behang
Pierre Frey behang vindt u bij Luxury By Nature. Met de bijzondere collecties Galerie, Galerie 2, Galerie 3, Dessine-moi un Mur!, Parade, Les Dessins 1, Les Dessins 2, Les Dessins 3, Les Dessins 5, Parade, Double-Jeux, Tresors d'Orient, Eternel Ete, The Cult of Beauty, Natecru, Natte - Woody, Jungle, Racines en Rituel. Stuk voor stuk prachtige behang dessins die absolute smaakmakers zijn voor interieur. De behangboeken hebben we in onze behangwinkel te 's-Graveland. En we laten u met plezier deze bijzondere collectie zien. Maar vanzelfsprekend kunt u ook Pierre Frey behang stalen bestellen en thuisgestuurd krijgen.
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Pierre Frey
Het Parijse behang- en stoffenhuis Pierre Frey ontwerpt, creëert en produceert al sinds 1935 stoffen en behang volgens Franse traditie. Daarmee is het dus echte klassieke muurbekleding! Pierre Frey is sinds 1976 een lid van het Comité Colbert, samen met 74 andere luxe, Franse merken. Comité Colbert is een organisatie die luxueuze merken wil promoten. De doelstelling van de organisatie is het bevorderen van de passie, creativiteit en savoir faire. Daarnaast wil Comité Colbert meer dan vijftig procent van de omzet wereldwijd exporteren.
Zo kunt u o.a. terecht voor de collecties Pierre Frey behang Galerie, Rituel, Les Dessins 1, Les Dessins 2, Jungle en Racines. Maar wist u dat deze bekende ontwerper ook bekend is van zijn stoffen.
Onder het huis Pierre Frey vallen ook de merken Braquenie, Boussac en Fadini Borghi. De eerste twee merken hebben ook een schitterende behangcollectie die in onze behangwinkel te bekijken is. Ontdek bij Luxury By Nature de rijke Pierre Frey behang patronen en collecties. We adviseren u graag.
Pierre Frey behang collectie is in onze winkel te bekijken en deels hier online.
In English
Pierre Frey is unrivalled in its ability to replicate elaborately the antique surface of a painting hidden in the depths of a château, such as the “Petit Parc” fabric, to reinvent a toile de Jouy fabric into “Voyage en Chine” or place an Empire palmette motif, updated to the 1940s, on satin. This is an art that imitates life to inspire and delight.
Pierre Frey draws its patterns as much from imperial China as 18th century France or contemporary Africa. Maintaining its focus on creativity, Pierre Frey has introduced products which beautifully complement its fabrics – sofas and other upholstered furniture, carpets and home accessories. Lamps, cushions, rugs/throws, and perfumed candles are just some of the accessories bearing the distinctive Pierre Frey design hallmark.
Pierre Frey, founded in 1935 in Paris, France, designs, creates and manufactures fabrics and wallpapers in the purest French tradition. The company’s rich collection of no less than 7,000 items includes not only the Pierre Frey designs, but collections from the company’s three other prestigious brands: Braquenie, Fadini Borghi and Boussac.
Pierre Frey is perhaps best known for its adventurous prints with such diverse inspiration such as Imperial China, 18th century France and contemporary Africa. But in addition to it’s mix of eclectic prints and woven fabrics, Pierre Frey is also adventurous in terms of exploring the use of modern fibers with the care-free qualities expected for today’s homes.
The Braquenie name is a historic and respected brand founded in 1824, and it epitomizes the spirit of French classicism. Renowned for its printed calicos and cotton Toiles de Jouy, most of our Braquenie prints are authentic reprints of original fabrics from our vast archives.
Fadini Borghi is an Italian jewel, dating back to 1947. These fabrics transport us to a Florentine palazzo, an opera loggia, a theatre stage. Sumptuous elegance and virtuoso expertise are the hallmarks of this brand, which was acquired by Pierre Frey in 2004.
And Boussac, also acquired by Pierre Frey in 2004, is renowned today for its technical characteristics (light and fire resistance, durable, etc.). Many plain fabrics, geometric designs and large floral motifs are offered in a diverse color scheme for both fabrics and wallpaper.
Building the future is based on understanding the past. Created in 2003, the archives department conserves, inventories and promotes an exceptional collection of over 25,000 documents, dating from the sixteenth century to the present. Based on the Pierre Frey archives, the collection now includes the archives of Braquenié, Boussac, Fadini Borghi and Le Manach. These archives are living and continue to be enriched with regular acquisitions. They can be used by anyone to find a source of inspiration or a sales argument based on historical reality or to round out knowledge. For the studio, the goal is not necessarily to make an identical reproduction of a document, but to use it as an inspiration that feeds contemporary creation.
Pierre Frey behang collectie is in onze behangwinkel te bekijken en deels hier online.